Exoteric meaning: Changes,
new beginnings, growth, change of residence, travel, animals, mobile
possessions, fire. Esoteric
meaning: Original fire, creative father principle, guidance,
Father- God principle. Potential
negative trends: Set-backs, failures, destruction, blockage. |
Exoteric meaning: That which
is permanent, that which lasts, good fortune, money, physician,
medical help, healing powers. Esoteric
meaning: Original cause, origin, root of all material and cosmic
phenomena, contact with the transcendent, contact with the dead,
life after physical death, Mother-God, Creative Mother Principle.
Potential negative trends:
Instability, bad influence, disease, ignorance. |
Exoteric meaning: Will to
act, setting of goal, power to become. Esoteric
meaning: Return, new emergence from what's apparently old and
dried-up, formative power of the seed. Potential
negative trends: Demonic influence, damage, deception, perishing,
enemies. |
Exoteric meaning: Speech,
talk, discussion, successful as a speaker, mouth, breath that evolves,
uterus. Esoteric Meaning:
Idea of that which is given, idea of that which is evolving.
Potential negative trends:
Ill fortune, failure of the work, negative suggestions, misuse of
knowledge and wisdom. |
Exoteric meaning: Right, order,
the judge, advice, salvation, money. Esoteric
meaning: Original law, that which flows away, religious feeling,
ritual action. Potential
negative trends: Injustice, lawlessness, violent act, black
magic practice. |
Exoteric meaning: Art, capability,
artist, genius, being favored, procreation, the child, force, that
which is established. Esoteric
meaning: Female principle in the universe, as executive power
of balancing justice. Potential
negative trends: Refused procreation, injustice, decay, incapability. |
Exoteric meaning: That which
cares and maintains, protects, and preserves; that which is motherly;
wisdom, harmony, salvation, blessing, protects from hail and fire.
Esoteric meaning: Eternal
change, caring and maintaining principle in the universe, Higher
Self, God in us. Potential
negative trends: Exposed to ill fortune, not protected, bad
weather, destruction by storm, hail and fire. |
Exoteric meaning: That which
can not be averted, separation, stress, karmic debt, karmic need,
but with outlook for change of karma, banishing ill fortune by means
of accepting karma and karmic law. Esoteric
meaning: The decision of the Norns, karma paid-for, cause-effect
relations. Capability to restructure karma. Potential
negative trends: No hope for change, exposed to fate because
of revolt against karmic determination, unavoidable fall and decline,
ultimate negation. |
Exoteric meaning: Positivity,
activity, will, self-domination, influence, personal power, magical
power, power to banish evil. Esoteric
meaning: Unity in the universe, duration, magical powers, action
in the cosmos. Potential
negative trends: Passivity, lack of will, being dominated, medium
and mediumistic activity. |
Exoteric meaning: All that
which is beautiful and Sun-like, change to good, virtues, honor,
glory, rewarding work. Esoteric
meaning: Completion, light, Divine spirit, Sun.
Potential negative trends:
Ugly, sterility, vice, change for evil, shame. |
Exoteric meaning: Victory,
success, gain, successful fight, achieved goal, school.
Esoteric meaning: Salvation
by light, inspiration, soul. Potential
negative trends: Destructive light, lightning, hopeless, fight,
defeat, failure, exploitation, blocked soul powers. |
Exoteric meaning: Beginning,
creation, excitation, power, success, wisdom, duties fulfilled,
art of concealment and hiding. Esoteric
meaning: Re-birth into the light - life of the soul.
Potential negative trends:
Perverted beginnings, tarnished beginnings, falsified knowledge,
failures, dying. |
Exoteric meaning: Becoming,
birth, being projected, help in birth, son, bread, song, fountain,
mountains. Esoteric
meaning: Meaning of life on this planet, in this world.
Potential negative trends:
Not-becoming, perverted birth, miscarriage, lost son, bitter bread,
death-bed. |
Exoteric meaning: Life, experience,
test, temptations by life-circumstances, water, sea, good management.
Esoteric meaning: Test
of life. School of the lives. Relations. Potential
negative trends: Succumb to temptation, deception by mate, downfall,
emptiness, corpse. |
Exoteric meaning: Man, increase,
masculinity, health, plenty, magic. Esoteric
meaning: Spirit, truth, God-Man, male principle in cosmos.
Potential negative trends:
Demonic spirituality, left path, growth through improper practices,
black magic. |
Exoteric meaning: Woman, femininity,
desire, sensual love, passion, perfection. Esoteric
meaning: Woman, mother, chaos from which creation emerges, female
principle in the cosmos, God-Woman. Potential
negative trends: Perversion, unbounded passion, error, maya,
failures as a consequence of wrong action. |
Exoteric meaning: Marriage,
wedding, partnership, permanent bond, binding decision, hope, duration,
horse. Esoteric meaning:
Permanence and marriage as a law, unity of ego and you, sister souls,
soul-love, God-Man-Woman. Potential
negative trends: Mismatch, unlucky love, ego and you can not
find each other due to karma. |
Exoteric meaning: Fulfillment,
giver. Gift, sacred marriage, being ONE with the sister soul, protection
against evil forces. Esoteric
meaning: God-All, death-life cycle, seeing of the Divine, Being
the Divine. Potential
negative trends: Vain desires for fulfillment, hopeless search
for soul mates, godlessness. |
Rules for Rune
Keep in mind what we mentioned before,
that Rune readings tell you of the energies from the realms of creation
that are at the roots of the past, present, and future of the situation
about which you want to know. So Rune readings tell you what energies
you may use from those realms to deal positively with the situation under
examination. As such, Rune readings become a valuable tool for the advanced
Rune Master. NEVER use your Rune
staves to give purely worldly readings by neglecting what Runes tell
you about the deeper, spiritual side of the situation.
Before you lay out the staves the introductory
ceremony will be very useful. It makes the vibrations right for a successful
reading. Proceed as outlined in "Runic Ceremonials".
Place: Your altar (table), altar
of the castle or lodge; best of all set up in a natural setting in a
high energy place.
Best times: Hours of sunrise,
high noon, hour before sunset, midnight.
Best days: Wednesday or Sunday,
first day of a Runic period (Mal), sacred days, day before the birthday
of the person for whom the reading is being done.
Direction: Look at the North
. . .the location of YR and FA in the altar.
Clothing: Robe, or nude. Wear
only metal objects that are meaningful, such as the Hammer of Thor,
the Great Rune Talisman, dagger, or power rod.
Participants: Only those for
whom the reading is being done may be present.
Diary: It is important to make
notes of the operation and the interpretations in your diary, which
is the best place for notes that must be of a confidential nature.