- Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Techniques: A new astrology-based technology
to optimize the energies in your home, apartment, business and, especially, for yourself! In fact, knowing
your astrological trends compares to a road map in an otherwise unknown
city. Generating your astrological trends compares to choosing the right
vehicle so that you can reach precisely the goals that you have set for
yourself! Astro Dynamic Manifestation Technology is exactly your vehicle
of choice. With this amazing new method, you can generate the direction
that you need to control all your aspects and to achieve assured success! Click here to download a printable booklet |
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your astrological trends compares to a road map in an otherwise unknown
city. It gives you the direction you need to achieve assured success |
here and see how a Chi Generator can help you in your work toward cosmic
consciousness! The Chi Generator® is the ideal tool to boost the power of any spiritual work that you perform. This extraordinary technology provides you with a continuous supply of life force in any practice that has the goal of positive permanent change and self-improvement, such as visualization techniques, motivational work, treasure mapping, trend management, hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, shamanic practices or any other kind of magical-religious practices. Life force is the motor of any action at a distance. The transfer test in our web sites will give you irrefutable proof of this fact. The ATGS 3000 Astro Trend Generating System is especially suited for the astrologer who intends to go much beyond mere consulting of his clients by actively managing their trends based on astrological guidelines, thus ensuring energetic assistance that can be effortlessly effective and successful! Like all other devices from HSCTI, the ATGS 3000 is backed by our life time customer support. |
Astrological Services: Advice and Solutions: Click Here to order an astrological consultation We provide help in achieving tangible solutions to your challenges!An astrological consultation compares to the map of an unknown city.It helps you find your shortest and easiest way to your desired goal.It tells you which ways to go and which ones to avoid. It tells you which destination is likely to be the best. To plan your life without knowledge of your future trends compares to driving through a city without a map. Such action makes everything unnecessarily difficult. An astrological analysis reveals your future trends.Don't wait any longer - get yours now!Your astrological natal chart analysis gives you insight into your basic character traits, potentials, skills, and overall trends of destiny. It tells you about your basic outlook in all fields of life experience: love, money, personal concerns, friends, career, etc.An astrological progression, or forecast, gives you insights into trends of your future such as opportunities, chances, and things to be careful about. It tells you when times are fortunate and what you can do to get the fullest benefit of your cosmic opportunities. It is good to know when you should forcefully progress with your actions and when it is good to diplomatically delay an important decision until the stars are more promising. More About Your Astrological ConsultationFor any astrological consultation you
need to give us information about your birth time, place, and day.
In any consultation you should tell
about your situation. It takes a lot of our professionals' time (and
your money) if they have to find out whether you are married or not,
what profession you have, and whether you have children and what age
they are. They can use this time more appropriately for the consultation!
Nobody in his or her right mind would
go to a medical doctor with the intention of hiding from the doctor
information that's relevant for the disease: It takes basic information
to come to a good diagnosis! Professional Astrological ServicesHSCTI offers you a full range of professional astrological services, from natal chart interpretations to more complex situations such as marriage, business decisions, litigation, and problems in love and partnerships.In addition to this, we have the most powerful tools and technologies at hand to modify or generate any astrological trend you desire, so that you can achieve significantly better results than your chart promises. Presently only a few astrologers are in possession of these powerful tools! Most astrologers today can give advice, but nothing else! These tools help you gain control of your life. Contact the HSCTI professionals for a thorough astrological consultation. Then they will use technology to generate the trends for your overall success.!Natal Chart InterpretationIn this consultation you will find out the secrets that your birth chart holds for you. This service is a natal chart plus an interpretation that focuses on any one specific question or interest area of your choice. Your natal chart analysis will provide you with special insights into the problematic aspects of the question, your best ways to handle the situation, plus outlooks for the future.Complete Natal ChartThis service is a thorough astrological chart interpretation. It includes a detailed look at your personality as a whole as outlined in your natal chart. Our astrologer will tell you how the trends of your birth chart are activated by transits at the present time. In this type of consultation, the professional astrologer is focusing on all issues that you specify during the session.Your first step to long lasting success is a thorough understanding of your destiny. An interpretation of your birth chart gives you this understanding. Learn all about your birth chart now! Click Here to order an astrological consultation One Year ForecastKnowing your future trends is worth a fortune! Such knowledge helps you to seize opportunities as they come and it helps you avoid pitfalls that occur at the times of adverse astrological trends.Your One Year Forecast is an analysis of your present situation and a look at future developments for a year's time. Our professional astrologer will focus on any situation that you specify. Power Days for One YearThere are approximately 20 days per year that are very important for you. Some of these days bring opportunities. Others are problem days. To know these days gives you a considerable edge in many things you are doing, especially when you enhance or correct the trends of these days!Knowledge of your future trends gives you an edge over others! Get it now! One Year Lucky DaysThis analysis of future astrological trends has a focus on any kind of speculation and gambling. Here you will find your best dates for lotteries, for gambling, horse race betting, dog races, stock market speculation, etc. It is an interpretation of you r birth chart to your financial advantage. It helps you to have a considerable economic advantage over others.Your luck is in your hands! Hold on to it by knowing your best days for speculation and gambling! Electional EvaluationAn electional evaluation calculates the exact date and time of the best astrological influences to begin any venture so that your venture carries the best promise for success. It gives you the best time to marry, to start a business, even to take a vacation for fun. Be sure to fully describe the event you want to schedule and the other people involved, if any.Relocation AnalysisThe place where you live is an important factor of consideration in astrology. You can actually change your birth chart, and destiny, by moving to a different location.A relocation analysis helps you find the areas that are best for making more money, for finding your true love, and to attain fame and power. Specify three cities at least 150 miles apart for my analysis of their potential for you. Otherwise I will recommend three general areas according to the interests you specify. Your present location can be one of the three areas. Explain what you want to achieve foremost! This analysis also includes a description of your present location, if it is not the place of your birth. Note: This is a true relocation analysis and NOT an "Astro-Carto-Graphy Reading," which is a form of pop-astrology, loaded with inaccuracies, rather than a professional service! Child GuidanceYour child is not a blank slate. At birth the planets have left their imprint on your child, which his or her birth chart reveals. You can avoid problems by knowing what your child needs now and in the future. It is especially good for you to know your child's talents so that you can cultivate them.Get the guidance that will allow you to help your child get the best tools possible for a successful life! Compatibility Evaluation and ConsultationThis service can determine the compatibility between two persons in love, business, or in any other type of relationship. It includes two natal charts plus an interpretation of the compatibility. If possible, give birth data for both persons. Such an evaluation is important before you begin any long term relationship such as marriage, business, or employment. If the relationship already exists, this evalutaiton describes the points of mutual agreement and disagreement, areas of gain and problem areas. It also points out the areas in which two persons involved can work as a team.A "blind partnership" can be worse than a blind date! To secure your happiness in your future, you need to know the ups and downs of a relationship before you get fully involved! Don't wait until it's too late -- get it now! Compatibility - Yes or No?If all you want is to know if you should enter a relationship or partnership with another person or not, then this is an evaluation that does not include details. With it, you will know if a more detailed partnership analysis is warranted.Triangular SituationTriangles are interpreted the same way as two-person relations.Business AstrologyIf you use astrological advice as a tool for your business, you have a decisive advantage over your competitors.Business astrology helps you plan the best days for your important negotiations, for crucial decisions, for special acquisitions, contracts, etc. Business astrology includes the screening of your employees, or prospective employees. Such screening gives you an analysis of their capabilities and potential problem areas, how they interact with their fellow workers, and how they relate to their superiors. This service can tell you whether a person (partner, employee or business contact) is a thinker or a doer, enterprising, or adjusting, obeying orders readily or begrudgingly, stable or volatile, and a lot more. In brief, it tells you how to effectively make that person perform for you! It tells about potentials of business contacts and employees, what possible problems such as extended illness may arise and at what time. Business astrology helps you avoid a lot of difficulties. Business astrology is one of the most important investments in your future! Call us for an estimate now! Also: Advice for your Astro Dynamic Manifestation Setup The ultimate method to generate the success that you always wanted.
Fees for Astrological ServicesThe fee for any consultation is $20.00 for each 15 minutes.Credit Cards Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express Consultations are over the telephone, over oovoo or skype (you can see the astrologer and he/she will see you) or in person. In more complex situations such as business astrology, we will give you an estimate. (770) 783 0563 Click Here to order an astrological consultation Back to Astrology PageMagitech Home Page (orgone technology and free download of an astrology program) |